Happy Friday! Our class enjoyed the beautiful weather yesterday when we went to the park. Hopefully more of that is coming our way! 😎 We are excited to see all of you next week for our Artist in Me Gallery Crawl. This will be held in our classroom and we will have refreshments for the students to follow.
April 11th 10:00 AM: Artist in Me Gallery Crawl. The students will perform a song about each artist that we studied and then you will go on a scavenger hunt with your child to find all of their artwork.
April 15th-22nd: Spring Break
May 7th: Field trip to Emerald Hollow Mine. Go ahead and put this on your calendar if you would like to chaperone. It will be an all day field trip (it is in Hiddenite, NC) and I will send more information as we get closer to the date.
We wrapped up our unit on time to the hour and half hour this week and I plan to give a "post-assessment" next week to check student's proficiency levels to see if I need to reteach any of the lessons. They have done great! Some are still struggling with time to the half hour and knowing which number to say or write when it is in between two numbers. We are reviewing that daily and it should click soon! Next week we will begin our unit on money and explore with pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. We will begin by learning the names of the coins and what each coin is worth.
Even though we are continuing with guided reading groups on Tuesday, our passion projects are taking the center stage during our literacy time. This week was the first time when everyone was writing completely different pieces based on their passion project topic. For example, the past few weeks we have all done our acrostic poems on the same day or all have done our labeled pictures on the same day. This week one student may have been writing about blue whales while another student was writing about the different NFL football teams. In order for this to be smooth and successful, we pull each student one-on-one and create dash facts for them. A dash fact is a quick little fact blurb that we extracted from one of their books or internet articles. For example, if I am working with a student on blue whales, one of their dash facts might be "-largest animal ever known to have lived on Earth". After we finish, it is the student's job to turn all of their dash facts into complete sentences (adding necessary words, capitalization, and adding punctuation). Once the students finish their writing, we edit their work and they write their final draft that will go into their barebook.
We finished studying Edgar Degas this week (all things ballerinas and horses) and are moving onto Auguste Renoir. Students got to create their own colorful ballerina using cut-outs and melted crayons and got to paint on horse calendars. These art projects turned out beautifully and will be displayed next week. We began our first Renoir art project yesterday where the students painted a beautiful outdoor scene that we will turn into a reflection painting. We have also been practicing our songs and dances for next Thursday during our thematic time.
Thank you to our mystery readers this week...Sue Sink (Anna's Mom) and Diana Brush (Nicholas' mom)! Mystery readers have become a hit in our classroom. 😊
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. James