September 13th 10:45-11:15 AM "Kindergarten Chat": with Joy about the future plans of CSD. In Mrs. Robinson's room (room 112)
September 15th: CSD Community Support Cards due! These were given to you at Covenant Conferences.
September 21st and 22nd: No school!
September 28th: Our first class walk to the park! Come join us and walk to the park with our class. :) A sign-up will come the Friday before.
October 11th 10:00 AM Fairy Tale Play: Come and see our fairy tale play about the 3 Little Pigs, the 3 Bears, and the 3 Billy Goats Gruff! This will be in our classroom with refreshments to follow.
October 24th 1:00 PM Pumpkin Carving with Dad: Students will bring their own pumpkin and get to carve it! We love for Dad's to come to this but it is totally okay if you can't! If Dad cannot come, a grandfather, uncle, mom, or aunt is welcome to come!
October 31st Parade of Fiction 8:30/8:45 AM: Students get to dress up as their favorite fictional book character! Children will need to have the book (his/her character is from) with them to carry in the parade. No scary costumes and no weapons of any kind (guns, swords, knives, bow and arrow, etc.)
Math Workshop
This week during math we continued to focus on counting! I introduced two new games into our math workshop tubs. One is called Roll and Record and the other is called the 123 Game. When students play Roll and Record, they roll a die and color in the corresponding number on their graph. They continue to roll and color until their entire sheet is full. This game helps with their understanding of a graph and also being able to look at a die and knowing what number it is right away. In the 123 Game, students have to match up a picture of a specific number of animals to the corresponding numeral, die, and fingers (finger counting). Once students match them together, they put the cards in order of 1-10.

Reading/Writer's Workshop
During reader's workshop this week, we learned how to properly write the letter "D" using a big line and a big curve. We also rotated through all of our literacy centers to continue practicing our letters and sounds. We also had our first writer's workshop where each student got their own blank book to write and illustrate in. The topic that each child wrote about was their favorite thing they did this summer. I kept these books to show you all at conferences. :) We learned that we can write a story by just drawing pictures, by adding one word per page, or by writing multiple words/a sentence.
Marvelous Me
Our first name that we studied this week was "Anna". We are going from the shortest names to the longest (just for the ease of learning letters). I told the kids that I was picking randomly out a hat so that no one gets sad if they will be towards the end. :) We do four activities to practice writing and spelling their name each week. Below are the four that we did this week! Ask your child what each one is to find out. :)
1. Playdough snake writing
2. Bumpy writing
3. Playdough toothpick writing
4. Pokey names
Thematic Centers
This week during our thematic center time, we learned about The Three Little Pigs! We read six different versions of the story and compared and contrasted all of them. The students then rotate through four centers during the week. Each student does one center per day. Below are the centers that the students completed.
1. Muddy Pigs: Students cut out pig ears and a face out of construction paper and used it to make a pig. The students then got to use brown paint to finger paint on the pig's belly and they practiced writing the word "pig" in the paint. This was a great fine motor skill center!
2. Three Little Pigs Sequencing: Students cut apart pictures and had to put them in the order that they occurred in the story. We talked about the beginning, middle, and end of the story and how to look at the pictures to tell what is happening.
3. Three Little Pigs Mini-Book: Students colored and helped illustrated a mini-book withe the story of the Three Little Pigs. They also had to write the words "straw", "stick", and "brick" in the book.
4. Students created their own tri-fold booklet with a straw house, a stick house, and a brick house. They had to trace the houses, write which kind of house it was, and then use specific materials to create their house (straw, toothpicks, or red construction paper bricks).
Mrs. Sue is coming to do our third "Sci-Fri" experiment this afternoon! We are so excited to have her! If you would like to come in and teach science/do a science experiment with our class, sign up on the Sign Up Genius for next week.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. James
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